jeudi 19 février 2015

Family Medicinal Plant Garden, now available on iBooks !

This book has sold more than 2000 copies, and was again out of print.
So it was high time for a third edition.

As the main author passed away in 2008, i had to gather all my courage to review, reedit, and rework on a number of potential dangerous plants and recipes. Also I tried to reduce the use of bark powder as medicine as the harvesting method brings in danger the plant or tree.

This third edition is reworked completely, I introduced a new chapter, the disorder index and kept the plant index and the general introduction on lifestyle, plants and preparations.

I hope that this new arrangement will simplify the use of the book and i wish that everybody would cultivate at least some plants in their garden homestead. Even people living in urban areas can cultivate in pots a few of the mentioned plants.

Rudolphe Lemmens