samedi 12 décembre 2015

East African Tree Planner for Ipad

East African Tree planner is an awesome tool for tree planting, planning and design of plantations and woodlots, with incorporated 249 indigenous shrub and tree species to East Africa.
Bring this app to your devices, it assist you to prepare, just with a few finger tip clicks, a successful reforestation project.

mercredi 6 mai 2015

samedi 4 avril 2015

Useful Trees of Uganda, also available on iBooks.

This book is made for all people interested in trees, planting trees, enjoying trees. 
I can think off farmers, tree planters, woodlot managers, government agents, foresters, trainers, lectures and all people interested in doing something with trees and for trees, to sustain the environment, reduce the depletion of natural resources and managed sustainably woodlots, forest or plantations.
It provide information on indigenous trees as an alternative for trees who are promoted and massively planted today, without integration of important environment services only looking at short time economic benefits.

The choice of the species is inspired by their occurrence in Uganda, how common and widespread they are and if they have frequently been used traditionally for the prosed purposes.

jeudi 19 février 2015

Family Medicinal Plant Garden, now available on iBooks !

This book has sold more than 2000 copies, and was again out of print.
So it was high time for a third edition.

As the main author passed away in 2008, i had to gather all my courage to review, reedit, and rework on a number of potential dangerous plants and recipes. Also I tried to reduce the use of bark powder as medicine as the harvesting method brings in danger the plant or tree.

This third edition is reworked completely, I introduced a new chapter, the disorder index and kept the plant index and the general introduction on lifestyle, plants and preparations.

I hope that this new arrangement will simplify the use of the book and i wish that everybody would cultivate at least some plants in their garden homestead. Even people living in urban areas can cultivate in pots a few of the mentioned plants.

Rudolphe Lemmens